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‫בילד פֿון דער טאָג
‫בילד פֿון דער טאָג
Part of the facade of the Museum of Pop Culture in Seattle, Washington, USA
+/− [yi], +/− [en]

Previous pictures of the Day can be found at its project page.

מעדיע פון ​​דעם טאָג
מעדיע פון ​​דעם טאָג
The Chase is a 1946 American film noir directed by Arthur Ripley. The screenplay by Philip Yordan is based on Cornell Woolrich's 1944 novel The Black Path of Fear. It stars Robert Cummings as Chuck Scott, a veteran who suffers from hallucinations. When he returns a lost wallet to violent mobster Eddie Roman (Steve Cochran), Eddie offers to hire him as a chauffeur. Chuck becomes mixed up in a plot to help Eddie's wife Lorna (Michèle Morgan) run off to Havana to escape her cruel husband.
+/− [yi], +/− [en]

Previous media of the Day can be found at its project page.

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