Professional Blogging

Networking: An Essential Part of Freelancing Success

If you want freelancing success, you need to learn how to effectively network. The connections you make matter a lot when you’re looking for work. It’s been years since I’ve actually needed to check the freelance job boards. Sometimes I hit the job boards when I’m looking for a breath of fresh air, or if I think …

Networking: An Essential Part of Freelancing Success Read More »

Keep Your Blogging Business Together When Your Life Falls Apart

Things have been a little nuts around here. But I’ve managed to keep my blogging business mostly on track. There are times when everything in my life runs like clockwork. The last two months have not been this time. It’s been a little crazy, around here, thanks to a family situation that changed the entire …

Keep Your Blogging Business Together When Your Life Falls Apart Read More »

Five Tips to Better Market Yourself as a Freelance Writer

If you want to charge higher freelance rates, you need to know how to better market yourself. I’m in the process of trying to market myself better as a freelance writer. I’m doing pretty well. I’ve become more comfortable with asking for a higher fee, but part of being able to ask for more is …

Five Tips to Better Market Yourself as a Freelance Writer Read More »

Best Way to Build a Freelance Portfolio: Focus on YOUR Blog and Byline

Want to build a freelance portfolio? Focus on YOU, rather than building content for others. When I started as a freelance writer, it was all about the paycheck. I wrote for content farms and just about anyone else who wanted to pay me for content. However, even then, I knew I had to be careful …

Best Way to Build a Freelance Portfolio: Focus on YOUR Blog and Byline Read More »

Why I Don’t Publish a Freelance Rate Card

Rather than publicize my fees with a freelance rate card, I negotiate on a per-client basis. If you click around a bit as a freelancer, you will notice that there are plenty of services that offer a freelance rate card. Publicizing your rates can be one way for people to quickly figure out whether or …

Why I Don’t Publish a Freelance Rate Card Read More »

Setting Freelance Rates: Big Clients, Small Clients, and Ghostwriting

Setting freelance rates is always tricky. And I offer different rates, depending on the client. Setting freelance rates is rarely fun. You have to find the sweet spot, which is the price that you are happy with and the client is happy to pay. Or at least the price the client is willing to pay — and …

Setting Freelance Rates: Big Clients, Small Clients, and Ghostwriting Read More »

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