Freelance Resource Review: Freelance Writers Den

Looking for tips on higher paying gigs and access to a freelance resource toolbox? The Freelance Writers Den can be a solid choice.

One of the realities of going out and getting higher-paying gigs is that you need to hustle for it. There is a great deal of work involved. Freelance resources like the now-defunct Yahoo! Contributor Network and freelance bidding sites have low barriers to entry and pay accordingly. You're not going to make enough to live on — at least not without doing a ton of work and burning yourself out — if you stick with bidding websites.

If you want to step up your game and start demanding a higher fee, a great freelance resource is the Freelance Writers Den.

What is the Freelance Writers Den?

The Freelance Writers Den is a resource for aspiring and career freelancer writers. It was founded by Carol Tice, a respected freelance writer who commands high rates. Like me, she is a six-figure freelance writer, and she knows what she is doing. Even when she delivers a smack-down, it's done with a measure of caring; it's all about the tough love.

It's something of an “exclusive” club. There are limited slots available during specific times when there are “open calls” or when a member leaves. If you don't get in during an open call, you can sign up for the waiting list, and receive an invitation when a spot opens up.

Benefits of the Freelance Writers Den

This can be a bit off-putting at first. However, the reality is that there needs to be some sort of limit to membership because there are a lot of personalized resources. Some of the resources you'll see in the Den include:

  • A job board with high-paying gigs. The job board has a minimum pay rate, so you know you won't end up with nothing but cheap clients. When I was a member of the Freelance Writers Den, I was able to recoup my membership fee with one job from the board.
  • Access to resources designed to help you improve. When you join the Den, you receive access to webinars, boot camps, and courses that can help you improve your writing and up your game to help you better qualify for high-paying gigs. Additionally, there are often great presentations on how to improve your business, including how to raise your rates or ask for more money.
  • Participate in the Freelance Writers Den forums. If you have questions, and want to pick the brains of other amazing writers, you can join the forums, which provide you with support and helpful hints.
  • Writer site review. Ask for a site review. The helpful hints can help you reform your site into a client magnet.

As with most resources like this, however, it is what you make of it. You do have to put in your own work and make it a point to follow the advice. And then you have to hustle. Building a freelance writing business requires effort and persistence on top of talent.

How Much Does the Freelance Writers Den Cost?

There is a monthly fee of $25 to join the Freelance Writers Den. You can pay automatically via PayPal for ease. This is what I did when I was a member of the Den. The good news is that the fee is tax-deductible. When I was a paying member of the Freelance Writers Den, I received a handy tax deduction, as well as access to a freelance resource toolbox and the job board.

Honestly, when you think of some of the freelance writing courses out there, and the costs involved, $25 per month is extremely affordable. You might not get one-on-one coaching at that price, but you do get access to a number of helpful tools that can help you move forward.

There are some premium resources that you can pay an extra fee for, but those are also priced reasonably.

Should You Join the Freelance Writers Den?

For the aspiring freelance writer who is serious about taking their freelance writing business to the next level, the Freelance Writers Den is well worth the monthly fee.

However, the Den isn't just about paying your fee and then experiencing some sort of magical results. Any successful freelance writer has to work hard, especially at the beginning. Any freelance resource that offers access to high-paying gigs requires that you do a little extra. The job board — with its superior gig possibilities — doesn't guarantee that you will be successful.

If you want to get your money's worth for the Freelance Writers Den, you need to take advantage of all the resources available to members. Participate in the forums, ask (and answer) questions, and take advantage of the numerous free resources. Transcripts of live events are available if you can't make a teleclass or webinar, and you have access to premium resources like exclusive podcasts and boot camps.

I eventually stopped paying for a Freelance Writers Den membership when I grew short on time to take advantage of the resources, but I still think it's worth the fee for those who are serious about moving forward, and willing to put in the work. It's easy to cancel your membership if you decide it's no longer your thing.

Bottom line: If you have $25 per month to spare, I recommend giving it a try if you are stuck trying to figure out what to do next with your freelance writing career.


1 thought on “Freelance Resource Review: Freelance Writers Den”

  1. Just heard about Freelance Writers Den many times but never tried it, I think people should use Freelance Writers Den and should have experience.

    If experience with Freelance Writers Den is great, So Freelance Writers Den will be also one better option for writers.

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