
Investing Plan for the New Year: Put Resources Into Yourself

As you prepare your investing plan for the new year, don’t forget to direct some of your resources toward improving yourself. It’s common, in December, to start thinking about your investing plan for the new year. Doubtless, the coming year involves looking at low-cost funds or a plan to improve your dividend stock portfolio. Whether …

Investing Plan for the New Year: Put Resources Into Yourself Read More »

Want Another Tax-Advantaged Investment? Try a Health Savings Account

I love my Health Savings Account. I get the ultimate in tax-advantaged investing. There are three main, unavoidable forces eroding your wealth over time: Taxes Inflation Fees You can’t stop these forces from reducing your real investment returns over time, but you can minimize them. There are ways to reduce your exposure to inflation risk. …

Want Another Tax-Advantaged Investment? Try a Health Savings Account Read More »

Are Your Finances Prepared for an Investing Opportunity?

A great investing opportunity does you no good if your finances aren’t prepared to take advantage of it. There are many great opportunities out there. Indeed, many of us have financial opportunities daily — even if we don’t recognize them. You might even have access to a great investing opportunity. But that opportunity does very …

Are Your Finances Prepared for an Investing Opportunity? Read More »

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