The Writer’s Guide to Success

Looking for a little help when it comes to finding a writer's guide to success? The folks over at put together this massive — useful — infographic to help you with your writing efforts.

When it comes to writing, there are a few tips and tricks that can help you enjoy more success as a freelancer. I've been fortunate to have an amazing career doing something I enjoy.

Over the years, many people hoping to find success as freelancers have asked various questions about writing:

  • How can I write faster?
  • What are ways to make my writing more dynamic?
  • Where do you find ideas?
  • Are there tools that can improve my writing?
  • How can I boost my ability to be seen by Google?

The folks at have put together a big infographic that answers all of those questions. It's titled The Ultimate Writer's Guide to Success, and it pretty much covers everything, from quick and dirty tips to improve your writing to some of the apps that can help you add polish to your prose.

One of my favorite sections of this infographic is the area that describes the difference between good writers and bad writers. In many cases, it really does come down to attitude. Are you willing to work hard, accept suggestions, and improve constantly? I've come a long way with my own writing, but I know I can always improve.

With the right writer's guide to success, it's possible for you to take your writing to the next level, whether you hope to write faster or even improve your ability to rank in Google search. Take a look at the infographic below, and let me know whether or not you think it's a good resource, and let me know what your goals to improve your writing are.

Credit: On Blast Blog

2 thoughts on “The Writer’s Guide to Success”

  1. This is an infographic that is very useful. Writers should be calm, focused, and willing to fail like it says. Thank you for posting this here.

  2. Thanks Miranda for this tidbit of advice for writers. Writing can be a daunting task and I know there have been many times my little ol brain got stuck for the right words.I am going to check out the website you suggested in this article because the more information we have available, the better writers we become. Failure is the one true road to success.

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