[Video] Online Freelance Writing Tidbits: Does It Make Sense to Accept a Lower Writing Rate?

Setting your writing rate is one of the toughest parts of freelancing. Do you really want to accept a lower fee?

Freelance professionals are regularly told to stick to their guns and get paid what they're worth. It's also common for freelance writers to look for high-paying gigs. Once you've worked so hard to charge a writing rate that you like, it's hard to back down and “settle” for something less.

Sometimes, though, it makes sense to accept a lower writing rate.

One of the reasons I don't have a rate card is so that I can negotiate with clients on an individual basis. And this sometimes means that I accept a lower writing rate in exchange for security.

The truth is that, if you're going to support yourself as a freelancer, regular work can go a long way. While you don't want to completely undersell yourself, there's also something to be said for being flexible when others offer you long-term work. A bit of job security can be worth the (slightly) lower writing rate.

What do you think? Would you ever accept a lower writing rate to ensure a longer-term gig? How low is too low for you to consider it?

0 thoughts on “[Video] Online Freelance Writing Tidbits: Does It Make Sense to Accept a Lower Writing Rate?”

  1. For me, the decision about what to charge depends in large part on the organization for whom I’m writing. I try to stick to my guns on price generally speaking, but will consider a lower rate for a non-profit organization I believe in and want to support. I also do some pro-bono work for university students who need a little professional advice.

    I may offer a one-time only, first project discount for a new client just to make it easier for them to take the jump into working with me, with the understanding that regular rates will apply later.

    And, finally, if I have clients who refer to me to other people who contract my services, I’ll offer the original client a discount on their next commission.

    1. Miranda Marquit

      I think you have a good framework for deciding when to lower rates. I, too, like doing mentoring work with others. It’s good karma, and it allows you the chance to feel good about what you do.

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