start & scale your freelancing career

tips, guides, and resources to grow

As a six-figure freelancer who was able to escape the corporate grind, I'm asked all the time for information about my favorite freelancing resources.
First, if you're interested in freelancing, check out my course and membership resource — the Freelance Writer Academy. I created this resource with two other six-figure freelancers. We offer three different courses designed to meet you where you're at in your freelance career. In addition to helping you on your freelance writing journey, we offer additional resources and webinars, including coaching and regular co-working time. Check it out, sign up, and take advantage of this resource to start or grow your freelance writing career.

What you'll
learn in the academy


"After joining the Freelance Writer Academy in September of 2020, my confidence has skyrocketed and I've earned over $2,000 in December of 2020. That's the most I've ever earned, and I just landed a new high-paying client a few days ago!"
Jerry B.
Intermediate Course
"The Freelance Writer Academy is a fantastic program for people interested in freelance writing. I was amazed at the depth of knowledge shared and the clarity of the presentations. Their concrete steps will help put you on the path to a job, and the continued support and outreach they provide help make an accessible program even more valuable. I would not hesitate to recommend this program to anyone wanting to break into the field."
Sharon E.
Beginner Course
"I joined the Freelance Writer Academy as a way to boost my income and learn a new skill during the Covid-19 lockdown. FWA is very helpful in getting started as a freelance writer — especially in establishing the business side of working for yourself. The videos are detailed and hit on the major stumbling blocks that Kat, Miranda, and Ben encountered on their journey so I can (hopefully!) avoid the same mistakes. I've been able to establish myself as a writer in just a few months, and I look forward to continuing with the Freelance Writer Academy."
Kate D.
Beginner Course

You can become a better writer

Below are additional freelance writing resources that I personally recommend to help you grow and scale your freelance writing. 


write better

One of my absolute favorite tools is Grammarly. I have it as a Chrome plugin, and it helps me stay on top of my writing. It's like having an editor available for me all the time. Grammarly works well with WordPress, as well as in Google Docs and other sites. It will catch common usage errors, spelling and grammar issues and even make smart suggestions to improve your writing.


pithy, active writing

Get rid of passive voice and overburdened sentences. If you want to write actively and get straight to the point in a powerful way, the Hemingway App is the way to go. It's available as an online tool, but you can also get the desktop app. I've thought seriously about just using it for my writing in general, mainly because of how awesome it is at forcing you to think about your sentences — and use every word to advantage


project management made easy

If you want to keep track of projects and deadlines, Asana is a great choice. I use it regularly. The fact that you can switch between list and calendar, and even track invoicing, is great. You can also use Asan to collaborate on projects and work with your virtual assistants (if you have them).

Are you a blogger looking to create the best content?

Two course recommendations for you

Enhance Your content

I love this course from my friend Ashley Barnett. This course takes you through the ins and outs of helping you create better content for your blog.

How to turn your blog into a business

My friend Larry Ludwig built a successful blog and sold it for seven figures. While you might not end up with a seven-figure blog, you can still make money with it.

The Freelance Blog

a collection of guest posts, guides, and helpful freelancing tips

If you want to achieve the freedom and flexibility that come with freelancing, check out years' worth of knowledge from the trenches of freelancing. Get the real story — including the hard lessons — and learn how you can get more out of your life through freelancing.

Freelance Writing

How to Find Paid Freelance Writing Work

Looking to find paid freelance writing work? Here's a primer to get you started, whether you're a beginner or a seasoned veteran. When it comes to finding the next gig, you need to be prepared to visit job boards, join a website, or even ask in your network. As a freelancer, it can take a

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Is It Time to Change My Freelance Business Model?

I make a solid living now, but if I don't change my freelance business model, the good times may not last. Several years ago, I had a rather disappointing moment of self-realization. I was rejected out of hand for an opportunity because I don't drive enough monthly pageviews to any given site. My first response was

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How to Start Freelance Writing — And Make Money Doing It

If you're ready for the freedom and flexibility that comes with a freelance writing career, now is the time to get that ball rolling. Here's my guide on how to start freelance writing. I love my freelance lifestyle. There's a lot of freedom and flexibility here. As a result, people routinely ask me how to

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Pro Blogging

What's the Easiest Way to Raise Your Freelance Rates?

Hoping to raise your freelance rates? Look no further! I've got one easy tip! I'm asked all the time how to raise rates. It's probably the number one question I'm asked. Well, after what I'm doing during this whole COVID-19 thing. People ask this even more than they ask about my schedule or about how to start

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5 Tips for Communicating with Freelance Clients

Reduce the number of revisions you are asked for, and improve your overall experience, by communicating effectively with your freelance clients. As a freelance writer, I work in the communications industry. I know first-hand the importance of communication when I work with freelance clients. True — communication is important no matter who you work with.

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Freelance Professional: Build a Better Profile

Your online profile is key to better success as a freelance professional. When you work as an online freelance professional, it's important that you have a home on the web. A web site isn't enough, though. You also need to make sure that your entire online profile showcases your expertise. Build a better profile, and

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Writing Tips

How I Organize My Articles, Sources, and Due Dates

Need to keep track of sources, stories and due dates? Here's how I organize articles for clients. Over the course of the last two years, I've shifted into writing that bears a resemblance to traditional journalism. Many of my clients want an authoritative voice, and they expect me to incorporate expert sources into the content

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How Do You Afford to Live as a Writer?

Can you really live as a writer? Is there really a way to make writing pay the bills? My good friend Luke Landes shared an interesting piece from Salon by Ann Bauer on his Facebook wall the other day. The piece takes a look at how many writers are “sponsored” in some way. The author of the

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What Should You Do When You Miss a Deadline?

At some point you’ll miss a deadline. Here’s how to handle the situation. Recently, I’ve become the world’s flakiest freelancer. I’ve had a lot going on in my life the last two years. From two cross-country moves to a divorce to becoming more involved in my community to the fact that my son is a

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5 Strategies to Help You Improve Your Writing Focus

Staying on task can be hard for many freelancers. Here are some strategies that can help you improve your writing focus. I love working from home as a freelancer, but sometimes the fact that you're home — and have plenty of other things vying for your time — can be a drawback. It's easy to

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Life Getting Away from You? Choosing What to Let Slide

Is life getting away from you? If so, you might need to start figuring out what your true priorities are. It's been an interesting four months. My life has been getting away from me, and I finally feel as though things are settling down and becoming manageable. During these last four months, I've had to

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