Freelance Writer: Tips for Writing Press Releases

As a freelance writer, you might be asked to write press releases. Here are a few tips.

The press release is an interesting animal in this Internet age. A press release is often published on a service website rather than sent across a wire and possibly picked up and put into various newspapers. The service also blasts it to journalists and publications via email. Media outlets decide what they will pick up and run with. The main advantage of the new approach revolves around having the press release published somewhere. And, if nothing else, you at least get a link, and the press release is searchable online.

Tips for Writing Press Releases

As a freelance writer, you might have clients come to you asking to write a press release. While composing your press release, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Effective press releases are newsworthy: Remember the 8 primary news values? You'll need those as you write a press release. A press release needs to have some sort of newsworthy angle. You should be able to show that you actually have news. This can also include a tip sheet. A tip sheet can be one way to turn something a little mundane into a newsworthy event.
  • Write in a “newsy” tone: Use a “newsy” tone for your press release. Start with a brief description of the news, putting that first, and then include information about who is announcing it. The point of a press release is to make less work for media people and journalists. A news release with a professional tone is more likely to be picked up. And you want to lead with the news, or you end up turning everyone off.
  • Remember SEO: Since press releases go out online, you have to remember Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The headline, at the very least, needs to be optimized and shareable.

Look online for samples of press releases before you start. This will give you an idea of how to structure your press release and how to write it. Problogger also offers a great resource for crafting a solid press release that is more likely to be picked up.

How Should You Frame Your Press Release Writing Service?

Depending on how you want to approach it, there are different ways to frame your press release writing service. I occasionally write press releases, but it's not something I do very often, and I don't advertise that I do it. Writing a press release is a bit more difficult than writing a blog post (at least I think so), and it can take a lot more time if you need to fiddle with it. Some wire services that send out press releases are very picky about what they send out, so you might need to make adjustments a few times. I charge twice as much for a press release as I do for a blog post.

My services are limited to writing the press release as well. As a freelance writer, I make it clear that I am not going to get the press release distributed. There are many services that distribute press releases free as well as for a fee. Some services cost upward of $400 to get a “full package” of press release distribution. However, it's important to remember that these services can't guarantee that your press release will, in fact, be picked up.

This is one of the reasons that I just offer the writing services. I make it clear that I am not responsible for the distribution, and I am certainly not responsible for seeing that the press release is picked up by major media outlets. However, I am willing to revise a release until it is accepted by whatever service the client is using to send out the press release.

Bottom Line

Figure out what you are willing to do, and set a rate based on that. Since I really like writing, and am not fond of much else in the realm of the Internet and promotion, I try to stay away from many non-writing activities related to the Internet — especially as it relates to providing services to clients. However, for the go-getter freelance writer, it might be worth it to consider adding other services to press release writing.

2 thoughts on “Freelance Writer: Tips for Writing Press Releases”

  1. Thank you for this article. Can I give my business credit at the end of the release, or is it not appropriate to credit my business.

    1. Miranda Marquit

      Normally, the end of the release is meant for “about the company” giving the release. If you are writing the release on behalf of another company, mentioning your own business is generally frowned upon.

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