
How Should You Charge as a Freelance Researcher?

Are you doing research for your freelance gig? Here are some considerations as you set your rates. Among the jobs you can do as a freelance professional is research. Freelance research involves finding information about a particular topic and then organizing it in a way that’s useful for clients. Often, freelance research goes hand in …

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Freelance Writing: Handling Editing and Revision Requests

Writers need editors. Could your freelance writing need an editor? It’s not fun to be told you need to improve. Sometimes, though, that’s just what you need. Remember, it’s probably not personal when a client asks for revisions or an editor requests changes. Your freelance writing might need a little help or direction. Making Revisions …

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5 Pros and 5 Cons of Running a Freelance Business

One of the interesting questions I was asked at FinCon was what I disliked about freelance writing. It made me think. To some of the people I talked to at FinCon this year, I might have come across as whiny. And, indeed, my closest blogging friends know that sometimes I have a few complaints about …

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What Makes an Interesting Story/Post/Article? Consider the 8 Primary News Values

If you are looking for inspiration as a writer, you can always fall back on the 8 primary news values. Recently, I’ve had a few people email me and ask how they can make their writing more interesting. While I don’t generally think of myself as a creative person, I do try to make things …

What Makes an Interesting Story/Post/Article? Consider the 8 Primary News Values Read More »

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