Home Business

Small Business Credit Reality: Your Personal Credit Matters

Even though it’s nice to think that your small business credit is completely separate from your personal credit, the reality is that your personal credit does matter. One of the essential pieces of advice given to just about anyone who starts a home business — or any type of business — is that you need …

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How to Create a Benefits Package as a Freelancer

As a freelancer, you don’t get paid vacation or employer-subsidized health care. Here’s how to create a benefits package as a freelancer. One of the most challenging aspects of being self-employed is replacing the benefits package you might have had when working in corporate America. In fact, before making the switch to freelancing full-time, it’s …

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Why I’ve Changed My Freelance Business to an S Corp Election (Finally)

After years of listening to my accountant recommend this course of action, I’ve finally changed my freelance business to an S Corp election. Pretty much since I switched accountants, Eric Nisall been trying to convince me to change my tax election to S Corp. And, finally, after gently reminding me to “consider” it for four …

Why I’ve Changed My Freelance Business to an S Corp Election (Finally) Read More »

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