Do you know why experienced software developers get fired? No? It’s okay. We have everything covered here. Read to know more about these mistakes and how to overcome them.?
So, you are popular at the workplace. The boss likes your attitude towards work and your development genius is what colleagues swear by. You’re in the good books of the people who matter there in the office and your career is flourishing, sort of.
This can make many feel invincible and infallible – a gem that can lord over all. Well, well, you’re not one. One bad mistake and you’re fired. So, be wary of mistakes and prolong your career.
Australian software development companies are some of the best companies, widely considered for delivering top-notch products.
Software Developers Fired – Top 5 Most Common Mistakes
1. Poor judgment
For software developers, the ability to take the right decision holds value and it sets them on the right path of growth as well. In some cases, however, they are prone to making an error in judgment which can either be related to their domain or to other company matters.
Based on the intensity and impact of poor judgment, they can be fired. After all, such judgments often cause harm to the business directly or indirectly.
2. Not being original
Some software developers do copy and paste the code from the internet to complete the job. They mostly do this task secretly so that nobody could know and they continue with such works in the future.
They are also prone to accessing materials or resources not meant to. These works are not original and involve some sort of dishonesty and scheming for which developers can be fired.
3. Not meeting deadlines
The software industry is ultra-competitive where top players vie for a major chunk of the market.
So, for a company to perform better and stay at the top of the game, its developers have to work tirelessly so that projects can be delivered on time.
Some developers, however, are not in tune with this reality and often show laxity towards their work. They miss and delay work and do not meet deadlines, which can also get software developers fired.
4. Stonewalling & blockades
The software industry is all about delivering projects according to the specifications and requirements of the client.
Developers just can’t ignore this simple mantra as this industry exists to simplify things and businesses.
In some cases, however, some developers do not follow this maxim and rather go the other way, delivering exactly what not is asked for and then not paying heed to the boss or the client. This can be a cause of being fired for sure.
5. Not delivering quality
Many a time a company often fires developers for want of quality. After all, clients have money to buy product design software and if they are not satisfied with the performance of the product, this can have an adverse impact on the company.
Software developers have to update and upgrade themselves as per changing technologies to stay relevant to the market. Do it the same otherwise, the company can fire software developers.
Final Note –
Developers working with top software development companies should keep in mind these mistakes that can get software developers fired.