Personal Finance

The Joys of Managing Cash Flow as a Freelancer

Managing cash flow as a freelancer can be a real challenge, especially when it’s all automated and you aren’t connected to your money. I have enough money to cover all my bills this month. However, I let things get a little off and ended up with an overdraft in my primary checking account. Mainly because …

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Are You Investing in Your Best Asset? (Hint: It’s YOU)

Even as you make investment plans for the future, don’t forget to invest properly in your best asset: You. As you prepare for the future, you know that you need to invest. Investing is one of the best ways to build wealth since it’s all about putting your money to work for you and taking …

Are You Investing in Your Best Asset? (Hint: It’s YOU) Read More »

Retirement Plan Options for Home Business Owners

When you are self-employed, you don’t have “the man” to help you with your retirement account contributions. Here’s what you need to know about retirement plan options for home business owners. The last time I had the opportunity to participate in a 401(k) was shortly after finishing my bachelor’s degree. I was working full-time. However, …

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