How to Make Instagram Memes That Go Viral


What’s the last thing you saw that made you laugh out loud? It was a viral meme you saw on social media, right?

Using social media can be very beneficial for your brand, allowing you to reach a wide range of people for free. One of the best ways to expand your reach on social media is by creating content such as memes that many people will want to share.

In this guide, we’ll tell you how to make Instagram memes that have the best chance of going viral.

Follow the Trends

To create great Instagram memes, make sure that you’re paying attention to what’s happening on the platform. Follow the trends, be observant, and try to understand what works.

Oftentimes, one of the best ways to get an Instagram meme to take off is to simply jump on a trend quickly and create a killer meme without reinventing the wheel.

Aim for Wide Appeal

Remember that for a meme to be successful; it needs to have wide appeal. Make sure that any idea that you’re trying to get across in a meme isn’t too specific or obscure.

Sometimes being too clever could actually hurt you when trying to create a great Instagram meme. It’s actually better to keep things simple to ensure that more types of people can see your meme, understand it, and enjoy it.

However, keep in mind that there are other ways to grow your Instagram following besides using memes. You can even get free Instagram followers with Famoid’s follower tool.

Use High-Quality Images

A simple tip to remember to create great memes for Instagram is that you need to use high-quality images.

You should make sure that you’re using high-resolution images for your meme and that they’re not too blurry. It’s also good to make sure that there’s an adequate amount of white space on the meme and that it’s framed well.

While many popular Instagram posts and memes aren’t perfect, it’s best to make yours as high-quality as you can for the best results.

Stay Aligned With Your Brand

When creating memes for Instagram, make sure that you stay in alignment with your brand.

Remember what your goals are when creating memes. Ensure that the content you create meshes well with what your business does and how you present it on social media.

Be sure to consider who your audience is and keep them in mind. Create memes that speak to your brand’s audience first and foremost, even if you’re also trying to reach a larger audience as well.

Use a Meme Generator

Keep in mind that when creating memes, you don’t need to have advanced graphic design skills. It’s pretty simple to create a meme.

There are some websites that allow you to create memes for free and already have images and templates to use. Using one of these sites can be very helpful and can help you avoid getting bogged down by the technical side of things.

Creating Viral Instagram Memes With These Tips

If you want to create Instagram memes that are shared far and wide, be sure that you follow the tips listed above. Creating memes isn’t very difficult, but you’ll want to follow the trends and keep your audience in mind to have the best chance of going viral.

Interested in finding more social media tips? Read over our blog now to find more useful social media articles and guides.

I am a young digital marketer and a blog analyst, Author from Uttarakhand, India. I have been into blogging since 2013 and helping businesses with their SEO requirements. I have 12 years of experience; during the journey, I have worked on many websites and made good friends. I research and share my knowledge with everyone to help them succeed as solopreneurs, businessmen, and entrepreneurs. You can also find me on LinkedIn and see my entire journey.