Increase Your Web Speed and Improve Your SEO Now


Strategies to optimize the SEO positioning of your website do not usually give results immediately. But increasing web speed will do. The position of your website in the SERP depends on many factors; one of them is the loading speed of your website. In this article, I will talk about how to step on the accelerator and improve your SEO position instantly.

Do you want to know the best tools to measure web load speed and improve your position in search results? If so, read on. You are going to love this article!

What is website speed and how does it affect your SEO

Web speed is the loading time of your website. It is very important for many reasons, but two stand out above the rest. Reduce the bounce rate of your website and improve your SEO positioning instantly.

In agreement! That your website loads at the speed of light does not guarantee that users will not leave the session before time or that your website is catapulted to the zero position of the SERP. We could not mention the loading speed and SEO without forgetting Backlinko.

By having optimal web speed, you ensure that your page is not penalized by users or search engines. I know it’s a double punishment for a single sin, so it’s in your best interest not to do it again.

What is WPO and what factors does it depend on

WPO? Do not panic! WPO is what digital marketing professionals call the work of optimizing a website’s performance. The WPO or Web Performance Optimization is mainly responsible for improving web loading speed.

That said, it may seem like a small thing to you, but pay attention to this. Page load time directly affects your website’s bounce rate. Apart from Web Performance Optimization, you can also use a website background video to lower the bounce rate and encourage visitors to stay longer.

If you have a bounce rate that is too high, it may be due to the loading speed. Make him look at it. There are many reasons why users can be thrown off your page as soon as they land, like on a trampoline, but slow web speed makes anyone desperate. The factors that make the loading time of a page more or less fast are the following:

The hosting plan for your website

You may have skimped on the cost of hosting your website. The hosting services that affect web speed are mainly space and transfer. Be sure to adjust the space to the quantity and quality of your content and then transfer to the number of visits you set as a medium-term goal.

Web design

There are minimalist designs and others that are overloaded. Seconds tend to slow downloading time. The architecture of your website will determine the size of the page. Try not to create pages in a crazy way. They all have to fulfill a specific function. If they don’t have traffic and the content isn’t relevant, delete them.

The size of images and artwork

No one wants the images on their page to look pixelated or blurry, but there is little point in uploading them at extreme quality. Optimize your images and upload them in JPEG or PNG format, with a resolution of 72 pixels per inch (dpi) will be sufficient. Think about which screens your users will see on your page.

For example: for a website on mobile devices, it does not make much sense that your images have a resolution of 300dpi and a size of 16,000px. by 9,000px.

Plugins and widgets

If you don’t use any, delete them directly. Check its operation because it usually affects your website’s speed and general operability. Try to reduce them to a minimum to improve the user experience.

For example, there are plugins and widgets with functionalities for social networks that are a real nightmare for the WPO.

Tools to measure your web speed or WPO

Do you know the Chrome browser? It’s probably the one you’re using right now, but there are many more: Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Microsoft Edge, etc. Generally, when you do WPO, you focus on Chrome, although each browser has its quirks and needs. Web speed varies between them, but when you optimize the performance of your website, it usually affects all of them.

Well, in all except in the already disappeared Internet Explorer. Jokes aside, the speed test that your website needs will not require you to spend money, a free tool from the many on the Internet will suffice. Here are four free online website optimization tools with which you will measure web speed without any difficulty.

Google PageSpeed Insights

This Google tool gives you a huge amount of information with which you can work to optimize your site’s performance. The best thing about PageSpeed is that it gives you solutions and instructions to solve the deficiencies after setting up your website.


It is, without a doubt, a complete tool that analyzes your website in greater depth. It is somewhat more complex than the rest, but it is worth it. WebPageTest tests WPO for Chrome and all other browsers. You can even select any place in the world to simulate any user’s experience.

Think with Google Test My Site

This tool is specially designed to check web speed on mobile phones. It makes recommendations and simulates the impact of WPO improvements on your website and business.

SEO Mastering Ping domain tester

It is quite simple and, although the data it offers about the speed of your website is not much, it is enough for you to get down to work.

Is everything ready to put your website at 100 per hour? You already know that you can give us a touch if you have a hard time starting the machine or simply want us to have a drink while we talk about SEO, Inbound Marketing, or the shape of the clouds in spring.

I am a young digital marketer and a blog analyst, Author from Uttarakhand, India. I have been into blogging since 2013 and helping businesses with their SEO requirements. I have 12 years of experience; during the journey, I have worked on many websites and made good friends. I research and share my knowledge with everyone to help them succeed as solopreneurs, businessmen, and entrepreneurs. You can also find me on LinkedIn and see my entire journey.